📷 2024-06-11

June 11, 2024 in 17:30, CET
Week strict diet over, now report

Everything OK, support system no need for any change. If needed any… I guess I will know.

Yesterday I had a few calories more, 700, because I suddenly started to …slow down so I had a handful of potato chips and tea. No idea what was that, but I woke up with a headache today. It passed really quickly.

Today is the end of monster diet cycle, and I have 67kg, which means that I melted a lot.

I had two mini puff pastries in a morning because I am an idiot, with ONLY 900 damn calories in it. It is incredible how much 250 grams of nothing to see actually has.

At the end, my prised lunch which became a dinner in a meantime, had only 500 calories and was nothing fancy.

Food for yesterday and today looked like this:

Exercise? I spent an entire day outside and walking, approximately around 6 hours ( not sure) and we went all over the place. I didn’t want to make my first happy day to also be a torture day, so I did that. It doesn’t look like anything but there is a trick to it - it is an average speed of walking but plus high heals ( my feet are so happy today), so I basically spent … all of it. Not 900. Like all of it. Computer calculated total is 2500 calories with high heels and my weight. Yeah, it really doesn’t look like much isn’t it. I had a lots of fun, but for that last hour I needed some assistance. I am fine, all good. In case of a need, a nutrient deficit usually feels like a hard core acute depression so that can be used to signal emergency.

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